Clan Information: CTU

Home Page:
Activity: 18.00%
Members: 1 active members (1 total)
Avg. Member Points: 958
Total Kills: 43
Total Deaths: 74
Avg. Kills: 43
Kills per Death: 0.58
Kills per Minute: 0.43
Total Connection Time: 0d 01:40:03h
Avg. Connection Time: 0d 01:40:03h
Favorite Server:* DKT e.V. =SeniorSniper=
Favorite Map:* dod_pierfight_is1
Favorite Weapon:* Springfield Rifle with Scope

Clan Members

Rank Name Rank Points   Activity Time Kills Clan Kills % Deaths Kpd
1  United statesJack_Bauer [CTU] elorank 958 0d 01:40:03h 43 100.00% 74 0.58

Player Actions *

Rank Action Achieved   Points Bonus
1 Double Kill (2 kills) 6 times 6
2 Triple Kill (3 kills) 1 times 2
3 Revenge 1 times 3
4 Rampage (5 kills) 1 times 4
5 Area Captured 1 times 6

Victims of Player-Player Actions


Team Selection

Rank Team Joined   Percentage of Times %
1 Allies 9 times 39.13%
2 Axis 2 times 8.70%

Role Selection

Rank Role Joined   % Ratio Kills Deaths K:D
1 American Sniper American Sniper 8 times 80.00% 41 68 0.60
2 Axis Scharfschütze Axis Scharfschütze 1 times 10.00% 0 2 0.00
3 American Support Infantry American Support Infantry 1 times 10.00% 2 4 0.50

Weapon Usage

Rank Weapon Points Modifier Kills   Percentage of Kills % Headshots Percentage of Headshots % Hpk
Springfield Rifle with Scope
1.50 41 95.35% 11 91.67% 0.27
BAR Browning Automatic Rifle
1.20 2 4.65% 1 8.33% 0.50

Weapon Stats

Rank Weapon Shots Hits Damage Headshots Kills   Kills per Death Accuracy Damage per Hit Shots per Kill
Springfield Rifle with Scope
101 52 7,558 11 40 40.0000 51.5% 145.3 2.5
BAR Browning Automatic Rifle
30 4 275 1 2 2.0000 13.3% 68.8 15.0

Weapon Targets

Rank Weapon Hits   Left Middle Right
Springfield Rifle with Scope
52 9.6% 80.8% 9.6%
BAR Browning Automatic Rifle
4 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%

Map Performance

Rank Map Name Kills   Percentage of Kills % Deaths Kills per Death Headshots Percentage of Headshots % Hpk
1 waspsniper 20 46.51% 31 0.6452 3 25.00% 0.1500
2 dod_pierfight_is1 17 39.53% 30 0.5667 7 58.33% 0.4118
3 ndw_isernia_dc 2 4.65% 4 0.5000 1 8.33% 0.5000
4 bobomap 2 4.65% 1 2.0000 1 8.33% 0.5000
5 sfo_sniper_hof 1 2.33% 1 1.0000 0 0.00% 0.0000
6 dod_water_zone_sniperv1 1 2.33% 4 0.2500 0 0.00% 0.0000