Clan Information: LPF

Home Page:
Activity: 54.50%
Members: 2 active members (2 total)
Avg. Member Points: 1,188
Total Kills: 463
Total Deaths: 619
Avg. Kills: 232
Kills per Death: 0.75
Kills per Minute: 0.64
Total Connection Time: 0d 12:04:06h
Avg. Connection Time: 0d 06:02:03h
Favorite Server:* DKT e.V. =SeniorSniper=
Favorite Map:* dod_airbase_ww_sniper
Favorite Weapon:* Springfield Rifle with Scope

Clan Members

Rank Name Rank Points   Activity Time Kills Clan Kills % Deaths Kpd
1  France(LPF)-arlequin 27 elorank 1,351 0d 11:40:34h 432 93.30% 591 0.73
2  France(LPF) ZèBuLoN elorank 1,025 0d 00:23:32h 31 6.70% 28 1.11

Player Actions *

Rank Action Achieved   Points Bonus
1 Double Kill (2 kills) 12 times 12
2 Domination (4 kills) 4 times 12
3 Triple Kill (3 kills) 3 times 6
4 Revenge 2 times 6
5 Domination 2 times 10
6 Ultra Kill (8 kills) 1 times 7
7 Rampage (5 kills) 1 times 4
8 Ownage (7 kills) 1 times 6
9 Mega Kill (6 kills) 1 times 5

Victims of Player-Player Actions

Rank Action Times Victimized   Points Bonus
1 Domination 2 times -10
2 Revenge 1 times -3

Team Selection

Rank Team Joined   Percentage of Times %
1 Allies 13 times 33.33%
2 Axis 6 times 15.38%

Role Selection

Rank Role Joined   % Ratio Kills Deaths K:D
1 American Sniper American Sniper 12 times 70.59% 77 78 0.99
2 Axis Scharfschütze Axis Scharfschütze 5 times 29.41% 33 47 0.70

Weapon Usage

Rank Weapon Points Modifier Kills   Percentage of Kills % Headshots Percentage of Headshots % Hpk
Springfield Rifle with Scope
1.50 79 17.06% 29 17.68% 0.37
Mauser Karbiner k98 Sniper Rifle
1.50 33 7.13% 17 10.37% 0.52

Weapon Stats

Rank Weapon Shots Hits Damage Headshots Kills   Kills per Death Accuracy Damage per Hit Shots per Kill
Springfield Rifle with Scope
139 87 14,818 29 74 74.0000 62.6% 170.3 1.9
Mauser Karbiner k98 Sniper Rifle
52 39 7,212 17 33 33.0000 75.0% 184.9 1.6

Weapon Targets

Rank Weapon Hits   Left Middle Right
Springfield Rifle with Scope
87 6.9% 86.2% 6.9%
Mauser Karbiner k98 Sniper Rifle
39 0.0% 97.4% 2.6%

Map Performance

Rank Map Name Kills   Percentage of Kills % Deaths Kills per Death Headshots Percentage of Headshots % Hpk
1 dkt_dorfplatz_nr1 33 7.13% 44 0.7500 13 7.93% 0.3939
2 canyonsniper420_d520 26 5.62% 16 1.6250 10 6.10% 0.3846
3 sfo_sniper_hof 15 3.24% 19 0.7895 1 0.61% 0.0667
4 sfo_sniper_town_finale 14 3.02% 9 1.5556 6 3.66% 0.4286
5 bunkers 9 1.94% 3 3.0000 6 3.66% 0.6667
6 new_sniper_towers2_v1 5 1.08% 18 0.2778 2 1.22% 0.4000
7 sfo_sniper_burg 5 1.08% 9 0.5556 3 1.83% 0.6000
8 9lives_1 5 1.08% 12 0.4167 5 3.05% 1.0000