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  Player Information

Player Profile

Steam Community Avatar
United Kingdom Zmudek
Location: Lambeth, United Kingdom
Steam: STEAM_0:0:92259997
Status: Offline
Click here to add as friend
Karma: In good standing
Member of Clan: (None)
Real Name: (Not Specified)
E-mail Address: (Not Specified)
Home Page: (Not Specified)
MM Rank: rank
Last Connect:* Thu. Feb. 6th, 2025 @ 22:30:12
Total Connection Time: 5d 10:39:42h
Average Ping:* -
Favorite Server:* [3te PGD] Public & Realism
Favorite Map:* dod_donner
Favorite Weapon:* MP44 Assault Rifle

Statistics Summary

Activity: 100%
Points: 2,263
Rank: 29
Kills per Minute: 0.25
Kills per Death: 0.8924 (0.94*)
Headshots per Kill: 0.1896 (0.1788*)
Shots per Kill: 9.09
Weapon Accuracy: 19.1% (20%*)
Headshots: 376 (106*)
Kills: 1,983 (593*)
Deaths: 2,222 (630*)
Longest Kill Streak: 9
Longest Death Streak: 8
Suicides: 0
Teammate Kills: 49 (10*)

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Current rank: First Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
Kills needed: 17 (92%)
Rank history
Recruit Private Private First Class Lance Corporal Corporal Sergeant Staff Sergeant Gunnery Sergeant Master Sergeant First Sergeant Master Chief Sergeant Major Ensign Third Lieutenant Second Lieutenant

  Player Actions *

Rank Action Earned sort-descending.gif Accumulated Points
1 Double Kill (2 kills) 69 times 69
2 Triple Kill (3 kills) 39 times 78
3 Area Captured 24 times 144
4 Domination (4 kills) 15 times 45
5 Mega Kill (6 kills) 7 times 35
6 Rampage (5 kills) 6 times 24
7 Bomb Planted 3 times 18
8 Ownage (7 kills) 2 times 12
9 Capture Blocked 2 times 12

  Team Selection *

Rank Team Joined sort-descending.gif % Ratio
1 Axis 168 times 28.38%
2 Allies 153 times 25.84%

  Role Selection *

Rank Role Joined sort-descending.gif % Ratio Kills Deaths K:D
1 Axis Grenadier Axis Grenadier 166 times 51.71% 156 179 0.87
2 American Rifleman American Rifleman 66 times 20.56% 43 49 0.88
3 Axis Sturmtruppe Axis Sturmtruppe 27 times 8.41% 138 169 0.82
4 Axis Scharfschütze Axis Scharfschütze 13 times 4.05% 34 33 1.03
5 Axis Panzerschreck Axis Panzerschreck 10 times 3.12% 38 39 0.97
6 American Support Infantry American Support Infantry 10 times 3.12% 35 35 1.00
7 American Sniper American Sniper 8 times 2.49% 46 43 1.07
8 American Bazooka  American Bazooka 6 times 1.87% 25 20 1.25
9 American Master Sergeant American Master Sergeant 5 times 1.56% 11 12 0.92
10 Axis Unteroffizier Axis Unteroffizier 4 times 1.25% 3 0 3.00
11 American Machine Gunner American Machine Gunner 4 times 1.25% 9 4 2.25
12 Axis MG42-Schütze Axis MG42-Schütze 2 times 0.62%

  Weapon Usage *

Rank Weapon Modifier Kills sort-descending.gif % Ratio Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1 MP44 Assault Rifle 1.35 107 18.04% 20 18.87% 0.19
2 Mauser Kar 98k 1.30 102 17.20% 13 12.26% 0.13
3 BAR Browning Automatic Rifle 1.20 54 9.11% 18 16.98% 0.33
4 Springfield Rifle with Scope 1.50 46 7.76% 3 2.83% 0.07
5 Mauser Karbiner k98 Sniper Rifle 1.50 44 7.42% 11 10.38% 0.25
6 German Grenade 1.00 38 6.41% 5 4.72% 0.13
7 Bazooka 2.25 31 5.23% 3 2.83% 0.10
8 Panzerschreck 2.25 25 4.22% 3 2.83% 0.12
9 M1 Garand Rifle 1.30 23 3.88% 10 9.43% 0.43
10 Spade Entrenchment Tool 3.00 21 3.54% 0 0.00% 0.00
11 Pistol c96 1.50 17 2.87% 5 4.72% 0.29
12 Pistol 38 1.50 13 2.19% 4 3.77% 0.31
13 Thompson Submachine Gun 1.25 12 2.02% 4 3.77% 0.33
14 M1 Carbine 1.20 12 2.02% 2 1.89% 0.17
15 Colt .45 model 1911 1.60 11 1.85% 3 2.83% 0.27
16 .30 Caliber Machine Gun 1.25 9 1.52% 2 1.89% 0.22
17 U.S. Grenade 1.00 6 1.01% 0 0.00% 0.00
18 U.S. Issue Knife 3.00 6 1.01% 0 0.00% 0.00
19 German Rifle Grenade 1.30 5 0.84% 0 0.00% 0.00
20 MP40 Machine Pistol 1.25 5 0.84% 0 0.00% 0.00
21 MG42 Machine Gun 1.20 4 0.67% 0 0.00% 0.00
22 Butt Stock Hit 3.00 2 0.34% 0 0.00% 0.00

  Weapon Statistics *

Rank Weapon Shots Hits Damage Headshots Kills sort-descending.gif K:D Accuracy Damage per Hit Shots per Kill
1 MP44 Assault Rifle 1,715 255 13,129 21 106 26.5000 14.9% 51.5 16.2
2 Mauser Kar 98k 309 111 13,504 14 92 30.6667 35.9% 121.7 3.4
3 BAR Browning Automatic Rifle 834 106 6,122 18 47 47.0000 12.7% 57.8 17.7
4 German Grenade 182 73 7,136 4 42 2.0000 40.1% 97.8 4.3
5 Mauser Karbiner k98 Sniper Rifle 86 49 6,696 7 39 39.0000 57.0% 136.7 2.2
6 Springfield Rifle with Scope 82 43 5,187 2 35 35.0000 52.4% 120.6 2.3
7 Bazooka 66 47 5,820 4 28 4.6667 71.2% 123.8 2.4
8 Panzerschreck 69 42 4,687 2 24 2.6667 60.9% 111.6 2.9
9 Spade Entrenchment Tool 210 23 3,854 0 21 21.0000 11.0% 167.6 10.0
10 M1 Garand Rifle 149 42 4,280 7 20 20.0000 28.2% 101.9 7.5
11 Pistol c96 318 45 1,970 5 17 17.0000 14.2% 43.8 18.7
12 U.S. Grenade 56 23 2,108 1 15 1.3636 41.1% 91.7 3.7
13 Thompson Submachine Gun 240 36 1,630 4 12 12.0000 15.0% 45.3 20.0
14 Pistol 38 193 43 1,986 4 12 12.0000 22.3% 46.2 16.1
15 M1 Carbine 187 27 1,130 2 10 10.0000 14.4% 41.9 18.7
16 Colt .45 model 1911 94 22 1,001 2 9 9.0000 23.4% 45.5 10.4
17 U.S. Issue Knife 39 6 1,133 0 6 6.0000 15.4% 188.8 6.5
18 .30 Caliber Machine Gun 70 9 922 2 6 6.0000 12.9% 102.4 11.7
19 MP40 Machine Pistol 26 6 220 0 2 2.0000 23.1% 36.7 13.0
20 MG42 Machine Gun 22 2 170 0 1 1.0000 9.1% 85.0 22.0

  Weapon Targets *

Rank Weapon Hits sort-descending.gif Left Middle Right
1 MP44 Assault Rifle 255 16.9% 65.5% 17.6%
2 Mauser Kar 98k 111 9.9% 75.7% 14.4%
3 BAR Browning Automatic Rifle 106 13.2% 65.1% 21.7%
4 German Grenade 68 16.2% 66.2% 17.6%
5 Mauser Karbiner k98 Sniper Rifle 49 6.1% 79.6% 14.3%
6 Pistol c96 45 4.4% 71.1% 24.4%
7 Springfield Rifle with Scope 43 9.3% 83.7% 7.0%
8 Pistol 38 43 18.6% 69.8% 11.6%
9 M1 Garand Rifle 42 7.1% 76.2% 16.7%
10 Bazooka 40 17.5% 75.0% 7.5%
11 Thompson Submachine Gun 36 8.3% 69.4% 22.2%
12 Panzerschreck 33 9.1% 78.8% 12.1%
13 M1 Carbine 27 11.1% 74.1% 14.8%
14 Spade Entrenchment Tool 23 4.3% 91.3% 4.3%
15 Colt .45 model 1911 22 4.5% 59.1% 36.4%
16 U.S. Grenade 21 14.3% 57.1% 28.6%
17 .30 Caliber Machine Gun 9 0.0% 88.9% 11.1%
18 MP40 Machine Pistol 6 0.0% 66.7% 33.3%
19 U.S. Issue Knife 6 33.3% 66.7% 0.0%
20 MG42 Machine Gun 2 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%

The hitbox display requires Adobe Flash Player to view.
Show total target statistics

  Map Performance *

Rank Map Kills % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D sort-descending.gif Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1 dod_snowblind_b1 6 1.01% 2 0.32% 3.00 1 0.94% 0.17
2 dod_aura 12 2.02% 6 0.95% 2.00 0 0.00% 0.00
3 dod_edge_beta2 7 1.18% 4 0.63% 1.75 1 0.94% 0.14
4 dod_causeways 13 2.19% 8 1.27% 1.63 3 2.83% 0.23
5 dod_steigen_b4 8 1.35% 5 0.79% 1.60 0 0.00% 0.00
6 dod_hellshighway_b4 9 1.52% 6 0.95% 1.50 1 0.94% 0.11
7 dod_sturm 17 2.87% 13 2.06% 1.31 4 3.77% 0.24
8 dod_reiser_b2 9 1.52% 7 1.11% 1.29 0 0.00% 0.00
9 dod_donner_extended 6 1.01% 5 0.79% 1.20 0 0.00% 0.00
10 dod_flash_mini_b1 59 9.95% 50 7.94% 1.18 19 17.92% 0.32
11 dod_santos_b3 8 1.35% 7 1.11% 1.14 1 0.94% 0.13
12 dod_stug 10 1.69% 9 1.43% 1.11 4 3.77% 0.40
13 3te_trainmap_realism_b1_1 34 5.73% 33 5.24% 1.03 7 6.60% 0.21
14 dod_donner 158 26.64% 158 25.08% 1.00 26 24.53% 0.16
15 dod_marlky_winter 13 2.19% 13 2.06% 1.00 2 1.89% 0.15
16 dod_azure 9 1.52% 9 1.43% 1.00 0 0.00% 0.00
17 dod_anzio 8 1.35% 8 1.27% 1.00 2 1.89% 0.25
18 dod_vanguard_rc5 6 1.01% 6 0.95% 1.00 0 0.00% 0.00
19 dod_catania_rc2 4 0.67% 4 0.63% 1.00 2 1.89% 0.50
20 dod_nuernberg_rc1 3 0.51% 3 0.48% 1.00 0 0.00% 0.00
21 dod_husky 15 2.53% 17 2.70% 0.88 7 6.60% 0.47
22 dod_crash 33 5.56% 40 6.35% 0.83 8 7.55% 0.24
23 dod_churchyard 5 0.84% 6 0.95% 0.83 1 0.94% 0.20
24 dod_expire 7 1.18% 9 1.43% 0.78 2 1.89% 0.29
25 dod_fabrik 9 1.52% 12 1.90% 0.75 0 0.00% 0.00
26 dod_rive_rc3 6 1.01% 8 1.27% 0.75 2 1.89% 0.33
27 dod_flash 86 14.50% 116 18.41% 0.74 6 5.66% 0.07
28 dod_abbey_6 7 1.18% 11 1.75% 0.64 3 2.83% 0.43
29 dod_vallente_v3 5 0.84% 8 1.27% 0.63 1 0.94% 0.20
30 dod_jagd 8 1.35% 13 2.06% 0.62 1 0.94% 0.13
31 dod_dijon 6 1.01% 11 1.75% 0.55 2 1.89% 0.33
32 dod_aleutian_b3 2 0.34% 4 0.63% 0.50 0 0.00% 0.00
33 dod_ingot_b2 1 0.17% 2 0.32% 0.50 0 0.00% 0.00
34 dod_cherbourg 3 0.51% 9 1.43% 0.33 0 0.00% 0.00
35 dod_adenau 1 0.17% 4 0.63% 0.25 0 0.00% 0.00
36 dod_rive_rc2 0 0.00% 3 0.48% 0.00 0 0.00% -
37 dod_harbor 0 0.00% 1 0.16% 0.00 0 0.00% -

  Server Activity *

Rank Server Kills sort-descending.gif % Ratio Deaths K:D Headshots Percentage of Headshots % HS:K
1 [3te PGD] Public & Realism 593 100.00% 627 0.9458 106 100.00% 0.1788
2 [3te PGD] Scrimserver 0 0.00% 3 0.0000 0 0.00% -

  Player Kill Statistics *

Rank Victim Kills sort-descending.gif % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1  GermanyCole 1 u n a R . 52 8.77% 39 6.19% 1.33 16 18.60% 0.31
2  Sweden¯\_Ⓐ_/¯ⓉⓁⒶⓈ 30 5.06% 49 7.78% 0.61 5 5.81% 0.17
3  Germany69er | pauli schubse 27 4.55% 23 3.65% 1.17 1 1.16% 0.04
4  NorwayOberst Theoball [3te PGD] 21 3.54% 17 2.70% 1.24 9 10.47% 0.43
5  GermanyOblt.Marx [3te PGD] 20 3.37% 21 3.33% 0.95 5 5.81% 0.25
6  Spain\.D.B.S./ Ⓜ e g a n e IV GT 20 3.37% 7 1.11% 2.86 6 6.98% 0.30
7  GermanySchlechter_Spieler [7/11OS] 20 3.37% 6 0.95% 3.33 3 3.49% 0.15
8  GermanyStfw.Hoffmann [1te RGS] 19 3.20% 18 2.86% 1.06 1 1.16% 0.05
9  SwedenToothfairy 18 3.04% 36 5.71% 0.50 3 3.49% 0.17
10  CzechiaTIKTIK100 17 2.87% 18 2.86% 0.94 4 4.65% 0.24
11  GermanyQu3mp3x' 16 2.70% 27 4.29% 0.59 3 3.49% 0.19
12  France.moolt 15 2.53% 43 6.83% 0.35 1 1.16% 0.07
13  GermanyOneShot [7/11OS] 13 2.19% 15 2.38% 0.87 3 3.49% 0.23
14  United statesoohMrBreeze 13 2.19% 8 1.27% 1.63 2 2.33% 0.15
15  CzechiaSAB 12 2.02% 30 4.76% 0.40 3 3.49% 0.25
16  GermanyWashington [7/11OS] 12 2.02% 14 2.22% 0.86 1 1.16% 0.08
17  CzechiaHstgf.Kohan [3te PGD] 10 1.69% 19 3.02% 0.53 1 1.16% 0.10
18  GermanyLt.ShankerS [3te PGD][FG] 10 1.69% 10 1.59% 1.00 0 0.00% 0.00
19  PolandRanger with dementia 10 1.69% 3 0.48% 3.33 1 1.16% 0.10
20  GermanySouthminster 9 1.52% 8 1.27% 1.13 0 0.00% 0.00
21  GermanyHstgf.Public-Agent [3te PGD][A] 9 1.52% 7 1.11% 1.29 3 3.49% 0.33
22  FranceElemenT 8 1.35% 24 3.81% 0.33 0 0.00% 0.00
23  DenmarkObgf.Laulund [3te PGD][A] 8 1.35% 2 0.32% 4.00 1 1.16% 0.13
24  United statesPfc. S. French |8th ID| 8 1.35% 2 0.32% 4.00 1 1.16% 0.13
25  GermanyKindergardenmanager 7 1.18% 5 0.79% 1.40 1 1.16% 0.14
26  PolandHstgf.Madek [3te PGD][A] 7 1.18% 3 0.48% 2.33 0 0.00% 0.00
27  Germanycatduck 6 1.01% 9 1.43% 0.67 1 1.16% 0.17
28  United kingdomStgf.U.A.Pingu [3te PGD][A] 6 1.01% 9 1.43% 0.67 0 0.00% 0.00
29  Bosnia and herzegovinaWalnuts 6 1.01% 7 1.11% 0.86 1 1.16% 0.17
30  CzechiaObgf.Zoro [3te PGD] 6 1.01% 3 0.48% 2.00 1 1.16% 0.17
31  CanadaBOB BARKER 6 1.01% 2 0.32% 3.00 2 2.33% 0.33
32  Germanyaphex. Raz00r 6 1.01% 2 0.32% 3.00 1 1.16% 0.17
33  RussiaGrom 6 1.01% 1 0.16% 6.00 2 2.33% 0.33
34  SpainCandemor 5 0.84% 8 1.27% 0.63 0 0.00% 0.00
35  CanadaDarcy Le fuck Bunker 5 0.84% 7 1.11% 0.71 1 1.16% 0.20
36  United statesPaulyPipes 5 0.84% 6 0.95% 0.83 1 1.16% 0.20
37  Franceludo 5 0.84% 0 0.00% 5.00 2 2.33% 0.40

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Items marked "*" above are generated from the last 28 days.
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