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  Player Information

Player Profile

Steam Community Avatar
Germany Oberstlt.Swo [1te RGS]
Location: Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, Germany
Steam: STEAM_0:0:5053224
Status: Offline
Click here to add as friend
Karma: In good standing
Member of Clan: (None)
Real Name: (Not Specified)
E-mail Address: (Not Specified)
Home Page: (Not Specified)
MM Rank: rank
Last Connect:* Sun. Feb. 2nd, 2025 @ 22:43:03
Total Connection Time: 2d 18:51:22h
Average Ping:* -
Favorite Server:* [3te PGD] Public & Realism
Favorite Map:* dod_donner
Favorite Weapon:* Mauser Kar 98k

Statistics Summary

Activity: 85%
Points: 2,685
Rank: 15
Kills per Minute: 0.42
Kills per Death: 1.1175 (1.19*)
Headshots per Kill: 0.1630 (0.1650*)
Shots per Kill: 5.65
Weapon Accuracy: 26.6% (28%*)
Headshots: 276 (147*)
Kills: 1,693 (891*)
Deaths: 1,515 (748*)
Longest Kill Streak: 9
Longest Death Streak: 8
Suicides: 0
Teammate Kills: 13 (5*)

  History Oberstlt.Swo [1te RGS]'s History:
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  Miscellaneous Statistics

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Current rank: Second Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant
Kills needed: 107 (47%)
Rank history
Recruit Private Private First Class Lance Corporal Corporal Sergeant Staff Sergeant Gunnery Sergeant Master Sergeant First Sergeant Master Chief Sergeant Major Ensign Third Lieutenant

  Awards (hover over image to see name)

Global Awards
Pistol 38


Rank Name Time Last Use sort-descending.gif Kills Deaths K:D Headshots HS:K Suicides Accuracy
1 Oberstlt.Swo [1te RGS] 1d 15:21:54h 2025-02-03 00:29:19 992 861 1.15 164 0.17 0 27.3%
2 Oberstlt.Jr.Swo [1te RGS] 1d 03:29:28h 2025-01-03 22:05:13 701 654 1.07 112 0.16 0 25.8%

  Player Actions *

Rank Action Earned sort-descending.gif Accumulated Points
1 Double Kill (2 kills) 108 times 108
2 Area Captured 64 times 384
3 Triple Kill (3 kills) 45 times 90
4 Domination (4 kills) 29 times 87
5 Rampage (5 kills) 15 times 60
6 Mega Kill (6 kills) 8 times 40
7 Ownage (7 kills) 5 times 30
8 Ultra Kill (8 kills) 2 times 14
9 Capture Blocked 2 times 12

  Team Selection *

Rank Team Joined sort-descending.gif % Ratio
1 Axis 150 times 30.99%
2 Allies 117 times 24.17%

  Role Selection *

Rank Role Joined sort-descending.gif % Ratio Kills Deaths K:D
1 Axis Grenadier Axis Grenadier 131 times 66.16% 514 411 1.25
2 American Rifleman American Rifleman 51 times 25.76% 135 112 1.21
3 Axis Scharfschütze Axis Scharfschütze 6 times 3.03% 27 32 0.84
4 American Sniper American Sniper 5 times 2.53% 40 16 2.50
5 Axis Sturmtruppe Axis Sturmtruppe 3 times 1.52% 7 5 1.40
6 Axis Unteroffizier Axis Unteroffizier 2 times 1.01% 1 3 0.33

  Weapon Usage *

Rank Weapon Modifier Kills sort-descending.gif % Ratio Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1 Mauser Kar 98k 1.30 445 49.94% 58 39.46% 0.13
2 M1 Garand Rifle 1.30 102 11.45% 16 10.88% 0.16
3 Pistol 38 1.50 75 8.42% 24 16.33% 0.32
4 Springfield Rifle with Scope 1.50 62 6.96% 10 6.80% 0.16
5 Mauser Karbiner k98 Sniper Rifle 1.50 49 5.50% 5 3.40% 0.10
6 Spade Entrenchment Tool 3.00 36 4.04% 2 1.36% 0.06
7 MP44 Assault Rifle 1.35 23 2.58% 6 4.08% 0.26
8 Colt .45 model 1911 1.60 22 2.47% 8 5.44% 0.36
9 German Rifle Grenade 1.30 19 2.13% 3 2.04% 0.16
10 MP40 Machine Pistol 1.25 10 1.12% 4 2.72% 0.40
11 M1 Garand Rifle 1.30 8 0.90% 0 0.00% 0.00
12 BAR Browning Automatic Rifle 1.20 8 0.90% 3 2.04% 0.38
13 U.S. Issue Knife 3.00 6 0.67% 1 0.68% 0.17
14 .30 Caliber Machine Gun 1.25 6 0.67% 1 0.68% 0.17
15 Thompson Submachine Gun 1.25 4 0.45% 1 0.68% 0.25
16 German Grenade 1.00 4 0.45% 0 0.00% 0.00
17 MG42 Machine Gun 1.20 3 0.34% 2 1.36% 0.67
18 U.S. Grenade 1.00 3 0.34% 1 0.68% 0.33
19 Panzerschreck 2.25 2 0.22% 1 0.68% 0.50
20 Pistol c96 1.50 1 0.11% 1 0.68% 1.00
21 Bazooka 2.25 1 0.11% 0 0.00% 0.00

  Weapon Statistics *

Rank Weapon Shots Hits Damage Headshots Kills sort-descending.gif K:D Accuracy Damage per Hit Shots per Kill
1 Mauser Kar 98k 1,089 506 60,515 54 410 21.5789 46.5% 119.6 2.7
2 M1 Garand Rifle 711 206 19,793 20 103 103.0000 29.0% 96.1 6.9
3 Pistol 38 614 168 8,222 21 65 65.0000 27.4% 48.9 9.4
4 Springfield Rifle with Scope 118 61 8,285 8 53 53.0000 51.7% 135.8 2.2
5 Mauser Karbiner k98 Sniper Rifle 103 53 6,660 4 47 15.6667 51.5% 125.7 2.2
6 Spade Entrenchment Tool 138 35 5,454 2 29 29.0000 25.4% 155.8 4.8
7 MP44 Assault Rifle 289 57 2,978 5 22 5.5000 19.7% 52.2 13.1
8 Colt .45 model 1911 146 44 2,108 6 19 19.0000 30.1% 47.9 7.7
9 MP40 Machine Pistol 305 32 1,390 4 10 10.0000 10.5% 43.4 30.5
10 BAR Browning Automatic Rifle 142 24 1,246 2 7 7.0000 16.9% 51.9 20.3
11 U.S. Issue Knife 69 7 1,602 1 7 7.0000 10.1% 228.9 9.9
12 .30 Caliber Machine Gun 221 11 577 1 6 6.0000 5.0% 52.5 36.8
13 Thompson Submachine Gun 60 10 430 1 3 3.0000 16.7% 43.0 20.0
14 U.S. Grenade 30 8 409 1 3 3.0000 26.7% 51.1 10.0
15 German Grenade 42 18 1,048 0 3 3.0000 42.9% 58.2 14.0
16 Panzerschreck 5 4 399 1 2 2.0000 80.0% 99.8 2.5
17 Bazooka 3 1 223 0 1 1.0000 33.3% 223.0 3.0
18 MG42 Machine Gun 374 0 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0% 0.0 0.0
19 Pistol c96 1 1 40 0 0 0.0000 100.0% 40.0 0.0

  Weapon Targets *

Rank Weapon Hits sort-descending.gif Left Middle Right
1 Mauser Kar 98k 506 10.3% 78.9% 10.9%
2 M1 Garand Rifle 206 8.7% 78.2% 13.1%
3 Pistol 38 168 10.1% 71.4% 18.5%
4 Springfield Rifle with Scope 61 8.2% 78.7% 13.1%
5 MP44 Assault Rifle 57 22.8% 66.7% 10.5%
6 Mauser Karbiner k98 Sniper Rifle 53 3.8% 84.9% 11.3%
7 Colt .45 model 1911 44 22.7% 63.6% 13.6%
8 Spade Entrenchment Tool 35 20.0% 71.4% 8.6%
9 MP40 Machine Pistol 32 21.9% 59.4% 18.8%
10 BAR Browning Automatic Rifle 24 12.5% 66.7% 20.8%
11 German Grenade 17 11.8% 76.5% 11.8%
12 .30 Caliber Machine Gun 11 9.1% 81.8% 9.1%
13 Thompson Submachine Gun 10 0.0% 70.0% 30.0%
14 U.S. Grenade 7 14.3% 85.7% 0.0%
15 U.S. Issue Knife 7 14.3% 71.4% 14.3%
16 Panzerschreck 4 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
17 Pistol c96 1 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
18 Bazooka 1 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%

The hitbox display requires Adobe Flash Player to view.
Show total target statistics

  Map Performance *

Rank Map Kills % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D sort-descending.gif Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1 dod_silico_rc2 6 0.67% 1 0.13% 6.00 2 1.36% 0.33
2 dod_causeways 14 1.57% 6 0.80% 2.33 3 2.04% 0.21
3 dod_kolsch 23 2.58% 11 1.47% 2.09 3 2.04% 0.13
4 dod_thunder_b3 2 0.22% 1 0.13% 2.00 0 0.00% 0.00
5 dod_adanti 13 1.46% 7 0.94% 1.86 4 2.72% 0.31
6 dod_mayonne_b2 66 7.41% 37 4.95% 1.78 14 9.52% 0.21
7 dod_northerntown 12 1.35% 7 0.94% 1.71 1 0.68% 0.08
8 dod_blitz_rc2 39 4.38% 23 3.07% 1.70 5 3.40% 0.13
9 dod_rive_rc3 5 0.56% 3 0.40% 1.67 0 0.00% 0.00
10 dod_flashatnight 73 8.19% 44 5.88% 1.66 10 6.80% 0.14
11 dod_flash 41 4.60% 25 3.34% 1.64 9 6.12% 0.22
12 dod_aura 16 1.80% 10 1.34% 1.60 1 0.68% 0.06
13 dod_husky 8 0.90% 5 0.67% 1.60 0 0.00% 0.00
14 dod_almere 8 0.90% 5 0.67% 1.60 1 0.68% 0.13
15 dod_brunggust 6 0.67% 4 0.53% 1.50 2 1.36% 0.33
16 dod_mayonne_b3 7 0.79% 5 0.67% 1.40 1 0.68% 0.14
17 3te_trainmap_realism_b1_1 96 10.77% 69 9.22% 1.39 10 6.80% 0.10
18 dod_fuel_b3 18 2.02% 14 1.87% 1.29 8 5.44% 0.44
19 dod_jagd 17 1.91% 14 1.87% 1.21 5 3.40% 0.29
20 dod_crash 24 2.69% 20 2.67% 1.20 6 4.08% 0.25
21 dod_strasbourg 6 0.67% 5 0.67% 1.20 0 0.00% 0.00
22 dod_donner 145 16.27% 136 18.18% 1.07 21 14.29% 0.14
23 dod_don_4b 31 3.48% 29 3.88% 1.07 3 2.04% 0.10
24 dod_vanguard_rc5 11 1.23% 11 1.47% 1.00 1 0.68% 0.09
25 dod_marlky_winter 7 0.79% 7 0.94% 1.00 2 1.36% 0.29
26 dod_sturm 7 0.79% 7 0.94% 1.00 0 0.00% 0.00
27 dod_insecurity 6 0.67% 6 0.80% 1.00 3 2.04% 0.50
28 dod_silico_rc7 4 0.45% 4 0.53% 1.00 1 0.68% 0.25
29 dod_donner_extended 4 0.45% 4 0.53% 1.00 0 0.00% 0.00
30 dod_flash_mini_b1 23 2.58% 25 3.34% 0.92 6 4.08% 0.26
31 dod_roma_a2 11 1.23% 12 1.60% 0.92 2 1.36% 0.18
32 dod_expire 19 2.13% 21 2.81% 0.90 6 4.08% 0.32
33 dod_calais_rc1 9 1.01% 10 1.34% 0.90 1 0.68% 0.11
34 dod_vallente_v3 7 0.79% 8 1.07% 0.88 0 0.00% 0.00
35 dod_cherbourg 13 1.46% 15 2.01% 0.87 1 0.68% 0.08
36 dod_cobra_rc1 6 0.67% 7 0.94% 0.86 0 0.00% 0.00
37 dod_harrington 6 0.67% 7 0.94% 0.86 2 1.36% 0.33
38 dod_nuernberg_rc1 5 0.56% 6 0.80% 0.83 0 0.00% 0.00
39 dod_tiger2008 9 1.01% 11 1.47% 0.82 2 1.36% 0.22
40 dod_snowblind_b1 4 0.45% 5 0.67% 0.80 0 0.00% 0.00
41 dod_fabrik 20 2.24% 26 3.48% 0.77 4 2.72% 0.20
42 dod_stug 13 1.46% 17 2.27% 0.76 1 0.68% 0.08
43 dod_churchyard 6 0.67% 8 1.07% 0.75 2 1.36% 0.33
44 dod_aleutian_b3 6 0.67% 9 1.20% 0.67 1 0.68% 0.17
45 dod_dockyard_b9 2 0.22% 3 0.40% 0.67 0 0.00% 0.00
46 dod_lennon_rc3 7 0.79% 11 1.47% 0.64 3 2.04% 0.43
47 dod_anzio 6 0.67% 11 1.47% 0.55 0 0.00% 0.00
48 dod_dorf 1 0.11% 2 0.27% 0.50 0 0.00% 0.00
49 dod_dijon 1 0.11% 3 0.40% 0.33 0 0.00% 0.00
50 dod_anemia_realism_6 1 0.11% 3 0.40% 0.33 0 0.00% 0.00
51 dod_santos_b3 1 0.11% 8 1.07% 0.13 0 0.00% 0.00

  Server Activity *

Rank Server Kills sort-descending.gif % Ratio Deaths K:D Headshots Percentage of Headshots % HS:K
1 [3te PGD] Public & Realism 891 100.00% 748 1.1912 147 100.00% 0.1650

  Player Kill Statistics *

Rank Victim Kills sort-descending.gif % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1  GermanyCole 1 u n a R . 90 10.10% 45 6.02% 2.00 17 14.66% 0.19
2  GermanyStfw.Hoffmann [1te RGS] 55 6.17% 50 6.68% 1.10 9 7.76% 0.16
3  GermanyQu3mp3x' 53 5.95% 34 4.55% 1.56 15 12.93% 0.28
4  PolandMaciek 29 3.25% 26 3.48% 1.12 3 2.59% 0.10
5  SpainMoMo 24 2.69% 25 3.34% 0.96 1 0.86% 0.04
6  NorwayOberst Theoball [3te PGD] 24 2.69% 18 2.41% 1.33 4 3.45% 0.17
7  PolandRanger with dementia 24 2.69% 6 0.80% 4.00 1 0.86% 0.04
8  GermanyHstgf.Public-Agent [3te PGD][A] 23 2.58% 20 2.67% 1.15 2 1.72% 0.09
9  Sweden¯\_Ⓐ_/¯ⓉⓁⒶⓈ 22 2.47% 25 3.34% 0.88 3 2.59% 0.14
10  GermanyOblt.Marx [3te PGD] 19 2.13% 15 2.01% 1.27 2 1.72% 0.11
11  GermanyKindergardenmanager 19 2.13% 12 1.60% 1.58 2 1.72% 0.11
12  Germany69er | pauli schubse 17 1.91% 16 2.14% 1.06 4 3.45% 0.24
13  United kingdomStgf.U.A.Pingu [3te PGD][A] 17 1.91% 12 1.60% 1.42 1 0.86% 0.06
14  GreeceHstgf.Kyriacos [3te PGD][A] 16 1.80% 10 1.34% 1.60 3 2.59% 0.19
15  PolandHstgf.Madek [3te PGD][A] 16 1.80% 9 1.20% 1.78 2 1.72% 0.13
16  IrelandMcBain 16 1.80% 8 1.07% 2.00 2 1.72% 0.13
17  Sweden[SSD]..To.. 16 1.80% 3 0.40% 5.33 1 0.86% 0.06
18  GermanyPILLE 16 1.80% 2 0.27% 8.00 2 1.72% 0.13
19  GreeceOstfw.Flare [3te PGD] 15 1.68% 35 4.68% 0.43 2 1.72% 0.13
20  GermanySchlechter_Spieler [7/11OS] 15 1.68% 10 1.34% 1.50 3 2.59% 0.20
21  GermanyNurieden 15 1.68% 9 1.20% 1.67 3 2.59% 0.20
22  CanadaMIMI 14 1.57% 7 0.94% 2.00 1 0.86% 0.07
23  France.moolt 13 1.46% 51 6.82% 0.25 1 0.86% 0.08
24  SwedenToothfairy 13 1.46% 22 2.94% 0.59 5 4.31% 0.38
25  CzechiaObgf.Zoro [3te PGD] 13 1.46% 5 0.67% 2.60 4 3.45% 0.31
26  ArgentinaHassesin 13 1.46% 4 0.53% 3.25 4 3.45% 0.31
27  United statesPfc. S. French |8th ID| 13 1.46% 3 0.40% 4.33 1 0.86% 0.08
28  GermanyLt.ShankerS [3te PGD][FG] 12 1.35% 36 4.81% 0.33 1 0.86% 0.08
29  CzechiaTIKTIK100 11 1.23% 17 2.27% 0.65 1 0.86% 0.09
30  FranceElemenT 11 1.23% 8 1.07% 1.38 2 1.72% 0.18
31  GermanySouthminster 11 1.23% 5 0.67% 2.20 0 0.00% 0.00
32  AustriaHstgf. Walter [3te PGD] 10 1.12% 7 0.94% 1.43 0 0.00% 0.00
33  AustriaOberstlt.Scrappy [1te RGS] 10 1.12% 5 0.67% 2.00 1 0.86% 0.10
34  GermanyOneShot [7/11OS] 9 1.01% 7 0.94% 1.29 0 0.00% 0.00
35  SwedenWestminster 9 1.01% 7 0.94% 1.29 2 1.72% 0.22
36  CzechiaSAB 8 0.90% 15 2.01% 0.53 0 0.00% 0.00
37  Franceganasso 8 0.90% 0 0.00% 8.00 5 4.31% 0.63
38  Spain\.D.B.S./ Ⓜ e g a n e IV GT 7 0.79% 3 0.40% 2.33 0 0.00% 0.00
39  Bosnia and herzegovinaWalnuts 7 0.79% 3 0.40% 2.33 1 0.86% 0.14
40  United statesoohMrBreeze 7 0.79% 2 0.27% 3.50 1 0.86% 0.14
41  SpainLa Virgen de la Peana 6 0.67% 6 0.80% 1.00 0 0.00% 0.00
42  DenmarkObgf.Laulund [3te PGD][A] 6 0.67% 1 0.13% 6.00 1 0.86% 0.17
43  Germanycatduck 5 0.56% 15 2.01% 0.33 0 0.00% 0.00
44  BelgiumHstgf.Cbb [3te PGD][A] 5 0.56% 5 0.67% 1.00 1 0.86% 0.20
45  United kingdomZmudek 5 0.56% 3 0.40% 1.67 0 0.00% 0.00
46  ItalyBozzilla 5 0.56% 1 0.13% 5.00 2 1.72% 0.40

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Items marked "*" above are generated from the last 28 days.
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